Raisin Bran Cereal, Whole Grain, Wheat & Bran 20 oz

Per 1 1/4 cup Serving: 190 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 240 mg sodium (11% DV); 20 g total sugars. 9 g fiber (31% DV); 10.8 mg iron (60% DV). Crispy flakes with 26 g of whole grain per serving. 50%+ Whole Grain: 26 g or more per serving. 50% or more of the grain is whole grain. WholeGrainsCouncil.org. Excellent source of fiber. Good source of 14 vitamins & minerals. Partially produced with genetic engineering. Post. Made with hundreds of juicy sun-maid raisins. Hundreds of sun-maid raisins with no preservatives. An excellent source of fiber. postconsumerbrands.com. Visit us at: postconsumerbrands.com or call weekdays: 1-800-431-POST (7678). Please have package available. Heart Healthy: While many factors affect heart disease, diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. This paperboard carton is 100% recyclable. Please follow your Municipality's instructions for recycling.